Hey whats up! Thanks for passing by the site! Right now this site little blog is nowhere near completed and is only public so I can give updates to any of the people that want them, as well as promote other musicians for thier good work! So yeah, this is where the news will be at! Get ready for some interesting stuff including quick tutorials on how to give your music and edge as well as DJ mixes, remixes as well as a few originals from yours truly!
Here's a little bit about myself incase you were wondering.
I mainly DJ, producing and remixing is just something I do when I get bored or a few people want to hear me make a song. I mainly mix dubstep, but sometimes I like to mix it up a little bit more and throw in some drum and bass, drum step, and even some non electronic genres when it's appropriate. I learned to DJ from other DJs in my area and I picked up my mix style form Never Say Die, specifically Dodge and Fuski. I don't like to extra heavy "screeching" dubstep, where there is just as much high pitched sounds as there is low pitched sounds, it doesn't sound right in my ears. So i tend to stick to a lighter dubstep, artists such as Flux Pavilion, Butch Clancy, Caspa and SubScape are the stars of my mixes.
Stay tuned into my SoundCloud and Serato Playlists accounts for all the latest and greatest dubstep you'll ever hear.
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